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-->book 1 - ch 1- 12
-in Italy during WW1 -intro into main char. (Frederic Henry) -meet nurses (Catherine Barkley & others) -wounded sent to hospital w/ nurses in Milan (CB is transferred)

-->book 2 - ch 13- 24
-Henry @ hosp in Milan -FH realizes hes in love w/ CB -FH drinks a lot during "recovery" -CB = preggo (3mo) -FH plans on taking 6 week leave -leave revoked by head nurse bc his drinking -FH ordered to go to Gorizia -last night in Milan -FH & CB get a hotel room -eat, drink, talk -FH on midnight train

--> book 3 - ch 25- 32
-FH arrives in Gorizia -involved w/ Italian retreat from Caporetto -ambulances get stuck in mud -abandon ambulances -2 soldiers w/ them for a couple of days -soldiers refuse to help w/ ambulances in mud -FH shoots @ them/kills one of them! -1st kill for FH -must escape or be killed -FH flees, deserts his post in the army

--> book 4 - ch 33- 37
-FH back to Milan (look for CB) -CB in Stresa (another town in Italy) -borrows civilian clothes -reunited w/ CB -spends few days together -mid of night, learn in morn FH will be arrested for desertion -escape via rowboat to Switzerland -convince swiss authorities that they are in Switzerland for "winter sport" -allowed to stay

--> book 5 - ch 38- 41
-rent cottage on mountainside -baby due in a month -move to hotel to be closer to hosp -awful labor -c-section -baby= born dead/dies shortly after birth -CB dies soon after, mult hemorrhages -FH walks in rain back to hotel (sad boy)
--- 38
-fall, no snow -living in mountains (nat beauty/ few peeps) -FH reads newspaper, still some battle (feel far from war) -enjoy town -FH reads things are going badly in war -CB + FH want to marry after baby (lose weight) -talk about going to USA after -snow on dec 22 (FH+CB watch it) -take a walk -CB wants FH to grow a beard -Rinaldi gets syphilis, FH says he had gonorrhea -CB= cut hair, FH= grow out hair (to look the same except color) -FH doesn't want her to cut it -agree that they=same person (together forever) -fall asleep, wake up in mid night -CB says she =crazy before meeting FH, doesn't feel crazy after him
-mid jan -FH = beard -packed snow (walk on it) -CB asks about $, FH says they're fine -CB asks about FH fam contact (FH didn't write them) -used to care about fam, but fought w/ them -CB says after baby ("young Catherine") CB=new, and ready for FH to fall in love again -FH = already in love, asks if CB would like to "ruin him", she says yes
-march -baby due in 1 month -move closer to hosp -find hotel in Lausanne, start to unpack -decide to buy baby clothes, stay in that night -enjoy town for 3 weeks -CB =bought everything for baby, FH boxing to stay in shape -no bad times, feel the need to spend each moment together
-into labor 3am -taxi to hosp -checked into room -CB tells FH to eat -finds cafe (eats bread, wine, coffee) -return to hosp, CB in delivery room -talks to doc, says everything is fine (giving CB gas for pain) -CB having a lot of pain (asking for gas) -CB tells FH to leave, but stays -FH is allowed to give CB gas (she asks dr if FH could do it) -2pm -FH gets lunch -CB intoxicated from gas, still in pain -says she was going to die, dr says foolish -dr asks FH to leave to examine CB -FH afraid CB will die (thinks =punishment for their love) -dr recommends c section -so much pain, gas doesn't work -says she is "broken" but happy end is 1hr away -asks FH to confirm she won't die -CB put under, FH in waiting room -dr comes out w/ son -FH doesn't feel anything for baby bc almost kills CB -FH tells nurse they didn't want a boy -sees CB, looks dead, but dr says she is ok -later CB asks about baby -nurse shushes FH, tells him to leave bc CB needs rest/ no talking -in hall, nurse tells FH baby= dead -FH feels sorry for baby, wishes he (FH) died @ birth, too -changes mind and thinks about log covered in ants he burned as a kid -nurse says CB is ok and he should go eat, he goes to cafe -returns, CB=hemorrhaging -CB doesn't want a priest, only FH at bedside when dying -FH stays w/ CB until she dies -FH walks out into the rain back to hotel --END

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