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Composite Digiverse/GranDracmon
GranDracmon is a Mega-level, Demon Beast Digimon that is considered the king of vampire Digimon. It has kept a castle in the Dark Area since ancient times, and it boasts of such power that even the Seven Great Demon Lords cannot interfere with it. It has a gentlemanly demeanor, and because of the "Charm" effect within the voice GrandDracmon exudes, it has tales that can lead any Angel Digimon who comes to subdue it into falling down. It is told that it possesses an undying body, and although it is said that it is connected to the details of how the Dark Area came to be within the Digital World, or that it knows the truth of the mysterious evolution, "Death-X", because it's difficult just to struggle your way to the castle, you'd have to say that questioning it about these mysteries would be extremely arduous.

Grandracmon is a mysterious being, dubbed the King of the Dark Zone in his impenetrable castle. He is responsible for many angel's decent into malice, as well as renowned and deadly plagues or viruses across the digital world. Grandracmon prefers to duel his prospects before he corrupts their data tracks. It is said that he is able to corrupt data tracks to even a greater degree as the two heads of "Ruin" and "Taint" are representations of all that is flawed within the digital world.

Powers and Stats


Name: Dracmon/Dracumon | Sangloupmon | Matadormon/Matadrmon | GranDracmon/GranDracumon, "The Merchant of Death"

Origin: Digimon

Gender: Genderless but referred to as male (Is considered the King of the Vampire Digimon)

Age: Unknown

Classification: The Greatest Magnificent Bastard in Fiction and Nonfiction and everything beyond that, Muscles so fabulous they put all of JoJo to shame.The Digiverse Itself

Classification: Rookie level Undead Virus Attribute Digimon | Champion level Demon Beast Virus Attribute Digimon | Ultimate level Undead Virus Attribute Digimon | Mega-level Demon Beast-type Virus Attribute Digimon. Leader of Kowloon, Co. and King of the Vampire Digimon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Non-Physical Interaction, Hacking, Nonexistent Physiology (Physical. Dracmon is a nonexistent being as a natural inhabitant of the Dark Area), Hacking, Darkness Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation (Digimon attacks are able to interact with each others' Digicores, which constitute a Digimon's mind and soul. Hence, all Digimon are able to manipulate, attack, and destroy the minds and souls of others), Self Information Manipulation and Reactive Evolution via Overwrite, Resistance to Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Existence Erasure (As a Dark Area Digimon, Dracmon is nonexistent. Those with the X-Antibody can resist multiple levels of Program X/Particle Worm which is a mass erasure technique from Yggdrasil. This technique is so powerful that it even threatens the likes of Beelzemon who needed to gain the X-Antibody to survive it) and Power Nullification (Can resist the effects of Particle Worm in which also negates all the abilities of those effected)., Immortality (Types 1 and 5) | All previous abilities, Can suck out the opponent's entire essence, Blade Manipulation, Regeneration (At least Low-Godly. Disassembles his own data in which means his mind, body and soul is scattered, and is able to regenerate from this), Sleep Manipulation, Immortality (Type 3), Can enter one's shadow, Life Force Draining | All previous abilities, Martial Arts | All previous abilities, Sound Manipulation, Reincarnation, Morality Manipulation, Can manipulate the emotions of an enemy just by looking at them, Can turn enemies into crystals, Reality Warping,Summoning (Can summon anyone of his slave's bonded to him at anytime and anywhere)

Attack Potency: Large Building level (Comparable to other Rookie Digimon who can tear down trees easily) | Country level (Equal to Meramon) | Solar System level (Superior to Wendigomon who can create a dimension with an earth and sun) | At least Multiverse level+ (Is so powerful that even the avatars of the Seven Great Demon Lords, including Lucemon, are wary with fighting him) | At least Multiverse level+ (Matched Sayo and Koh in combat) | At least Multiverse level+, likely High Multiverse level+ (The main Super Boss in the game. Fought Endgame Keisuke who needed the help of an ally to defeat him)

Speed: Infinite (Is a natural inhabitant of the Dark Area in which is a timeless void) | Infinite | Infinite | Infinite, possibly Immeasurable (Comparable to the Seven Great Demon Lords) | Immeasurable (Rules over the Dark Area, a world in which time does not exist. Capable of defeating the Demon Lords aside from Lucemon) | Immeasurable

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Immeasurable | Immeasurable (Should be at least as strong as Leviamon) | Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Large Building Class | Country Class | Solar System Class | At least Multiversal+ | At least Multiversal+ (Should be at least as strong as the Seven Great Demon Lords) | At least Multiversal+, likely High Multiversal+

Durability: Large Building level | Country level | Solar System level | At least Multiverse level+ | At least Multiverse level+ (Can tank hits from enemies on his level, gave a good fight against Koh/Sayo) | At least Multiverse level+, likely High Multiverse level+

Stamina: Extremely High, battled on equal grounds against a full team of Koh/Sayo's team.

Range: Melee Range, a few dozen meters with projectiles | Planetary as GranDracmon

Standard Equipment: The X-Antibody

Intelligence: GranDracmon is a master manipulator who can seduce even angel Digimon to join the darkness "has tales that can lead any Angel Digimon who comes to subdue it into falling down" and a very charming demeanor which can catch even skeptical visitors off-guard. It is also said that he knows the truth behind some of the most mysterious aspects of the Digitial World "it is said that it is connected to the details of how the Dark Area came to be within the Digital World, or that it knows the truth of the mysterious evolution, "Death-X". In Digimon World: Dawn/Dusk GranDracmon is also a master hacker who could warp and lock-down CITY. Dracmon seems to be more of a tricky fighter who relies on his mind control to gain the upperhand. Sangloupmon is an extremely skilled and talented hunter. Matadormon is an extremely skilled martial artist who uses elegant dance moves to overpower the opponent.

Weaknesses: Holy/Light based attacks. Vaccine Digimon

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Overwrite: All Digimon can rewrite their data, so that they are able to react to various situations that were once problematic for it. This usually causes a gigantic increase in power and sometimes new skills and resistances are gained. However, the more emotional the Digimon is, the more violent the overwrite becomes.


Undead Fang: Bites the foe with its fangs.
Eye of Nightmare: Hypnotizes the foe with the wicked eyes in the palms of its hands.

Sticker Blade: Hurls thousands of tiny blades. Sangloupmon gets healed by 10% of the damage dealt.
Black Mind: Disassembles his own data to melt into his opponent's shadow.
Physical Drain: Drains his opponent's life force to restore his stamina.

Chouzetsu Rappashū: Attacks with a mighty kick from the sky.
Bulldog: A unique martial art in the form of a dance.
Thousand Arrow: Fires the countless rapiers hidden in its sleeves.

Crystal Revolution: Instantly transforms all of the opponents into ice crystals.
Gorgon Eye: (Eye of the Gorgon): Uses its evil eye to imprison within darkness the hearts of the opponents that gaze at it.
Death Scream: Unleashes the wails of the underworld.
Keys: Dracmon | Sangloupmon | Matadormon | GranDracmon (Databook) | GranDracmon (Digimon World:Dawn/Dusk) | GranDracmon Hacker's Memory

Power Nullification: You thought you were safe even if none of the above happens? Jokes on you, merely being within the same anything as GranDracmon will negate any and all powers you have or can obtain in a negative instant.

Destructive Dominion:GranDracmon can destroy anything to recreate it back into existence under the his command.

Summoning: GranDracmon can summon any and every one of his slave's with any traits and abilities of any level from anywhere/everywhere. His slave's entities can enter in symbiosis with the GranDracmon to assist as advisers, guardians or power-sources, or emerge into existence to carry out more tangible tasks.

They may have a will of their own or act as extensions of GranDracmon, their minds are usually connected to better serve him. All summons share an absolute and unbreakable loyalty towards the him, being fundamentally incapable of disobeying his orders or turning against them.

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
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