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I have never been as stagnant as I am now. When I say stagnant, I mean that I always feel like I'm just floating and letting life take me away. But as sad as that is, I also have never been more aware of it as I am now. How did I come to realize my stagnancy, you may ask? Well, for most of my life I think I had been a good student, and a good daighter to my parents. I was active in the school paper and always joined art and writing competitions in my junior high school. Even when I failed, I still kept trying and trying, always hungry to be the best at what I do. But as I reminisced on what I've been doing these past three years, I've realized that I'm in a slump. It's like I have totally given up on being an achiever, and being the best version of myself. I have continuously done the minimum effort in the things that I did, and I basically did nothing much to improve myself. I stopped writing as a hobby, I stopped making art, I stopped reading books, I stopped playing piano--I stopped learning. I have garnered so much self pity and self hatred for not being what I and everyone thought I was going to be. Growing up, I have always been praised and people told me of my "potential". My parents want me to go to med school and become a doctor, when all I wanted was take up architecture or something in the art field. I have felt so helpless regarding my career choice, like it wasn't my choice to make but theirs.

The second thing is this: for these past three years, senior high included, I have gotten used to being mediocre. You can even say that I was protecting my mediocrity. BEcause the moment you actually try, then you'd actually have to put some effort, ad that's tiresome. Our reading in case regarding SCL written by -- touched upon this subject and I can really relate. I disguised my lack of discipline and stagnancy as laziness so people won't think I'm not that smart. There were many times where we had group work and I know I couldv'e led the group

Our planet is dying and nobody seems to care. Everyday is always a struggle of getting out of the house, doing the daily commute, and walking to class. It seems like it's getting hotter and more humid every year. Not only is our planet getting warmer, but we are also on the early stages of the sixth mass extinction, says a study by standford university. When I scroll on facebook, and on social media in general, I see posts about animals going extinct, and our beautiful corals dying because of what we call coral bleaching due to warmer ocean temperatures. Illegal mining is rampant, and people continually dump our grabage in the ocean. HEre in the Philippines, people have zero discipline when it comes to trash. Our country is so rich in natural resources, our country is so beautiful yet we cannot take care of it. When will we stop? When will we realize that this is a problem that all of us will pay for? I remember this famous quote from a Cree Indian Prophecy, "when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that we cannot eat money". Highly influential politicians like Trump has repeatedly mocked and made fun of climate change, stating that quote unquote "I just don't believe it". his lack of “belief” silences hundreds of experts who worked to summarize the state of empirical knowledge about climate change and America. His willful ignorance to support the topic of climate change does impact the way a lot of people perceive this threat, and to that he is responsible.
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