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Name: Nova.
Nickname: Omega.
Age: 8 (Human Years.)
Gender: Female (She/Her.)
Rank: Omega.
Personality: Nova is a very friendly wolf, and will often be the first to introduce herself. She will talk to anyone, no matter their backgrounds, which can lead her into trouble. She is a very caring and kind wolf, never judging anyone or talking bad about them. She is also motherly, taking care of everyone (especially her loved ones) like their her own children. She wants the best for everyone. Being loyal, as well, she can lack-judgement and is blinded by people she is loyal to. The wolf is very adventurous, wanting to experience life to its fullest. She can often find herself in situations because of her adventurous curiosity. She never thinks things through, just doing whatever her heart says. To be blunt, Nova isn't the smartest. She procrastinates and slacks-off on her duties, which lead her into the rank shes in. She would much rather go on a adventure or day dream than learn or do work. This leads her to be quite a ditsy. Nova can also be very naive and gullible, believing almost anything. She can be over-imaginative, often rambling on about her dreams, hopes, and thoughts. Though, she can keep her more negative feelings inside her, and when poked at the wrong spots, make her weak and vulnerable.
Likes: Nova loves nature, and would be just content on a adventure or poking around at plants. Nova will often be found watching animals, as she finds other creators in her home interesting. The wolf also loves socializing, a natural extrovert.
Dislikes: Nova doesn't like to work, wanting more to do with recreational activities over her duties. She also dislikes rude people, but will often never speak up if someone is rude to her. She ins't much of a fighter, either.
Flaws: Nova slacks off and procrastinates. She puts her recreational time above her job. She can be too loyal, and can be blinded by her loyalty. Nova can also be Naive and gullible, trusting just about everyone. Shes Vulnerable, as well, If you poke her at the wrong spots. Nova isn't the smartest, either. Nova can also be too curious, leading herself (and others) into dangerous situations.
Virtues: Her loyalty is also a blessing, as she says loyal to her pack. Nova is also a very a caring and kind wolf, and ins't judgmental. She is also motherly, and takes care of everyone like her own family.
Appearance: (See Picture.) Nova is extremely small, often seen as a large dog. She has-(1-2)
a thick coat, coloured white with gray markings. Her eyes are a stunning indigo. Though, being the eldest out of her biological family, is still considered the runt. She has a lithe frame. (Sorry for the choppiness of that sentence.)
Backstory: Nova lived in a group of about eight wolves, her family. She loved them dearly, but being the eldest, was keep to watch her siblings. As a young wolf, she dreamed to explore the outside world. But as she got older, knew her role was to serve as a caretaker. One day, Nova met Victor (Got an okay by the owner of the OC.) She was so curious about the life outside the one she knew, that she ran back to the packs with him. Some days she regrets leaving her family behind, and wonders what happened to them.
Extra: She collects anything she finds "cool." This can include twigs, rocks, flowers, anything she finds that is interesting. This can hog up space, and annoys others.
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