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I should be a Helper because it would help improve the Mineplex community. It would help improve the Mineplex community by adding a trustworthy and loyal person to help watch over the Hub and Forums. The Mineplex community would be a happier and safer place with the addition of me. I would help make sure the chat and safety of the players is in full drive and that there is no hacking or verbal abuse. I am an active member in the EvEr Youth Sports Foundation and International Baccalaureate program. Becoming a Helper would help me as well because it will further increase my understanding of Mineplex and other servers. It would also help me learn to Moderate a professional Minecraft server.
I want to become a Helper because it teach me the first few steps of responsibility for the future. From my experience from forum moderating Roblox, a kid's game ages 7-18,I have learned to deal with micro posters, spammers, and profanity. The customer service at Roblox. If a player has an inquiry about general, billing, careers, advertisements, etc. Then they can email us. They will automatically get sent an email telling them that we have received the email and we will reply in no longer than 72 hours. My skills will help Mineplex have a better variety of skills and languages because of me. Another reason why I am the best candidate to be promoted to helper is because I can spend lots of my time here on Mineplex. With an outstanding 6 hours, people will be mind blown. Most players only can moderate for 1 to 2 hours on Mineplex which I think is simply not enough. I can also help players effectively and properly. With my time, I can listen to players in game about their problems. First I will give them advice. Then if the problem continues to persist, I will handle the problem myself directly and punishments may be landed. I am ready to be a Helper because I am very active and dedicated to the Mineplex server. I turn in reports frequently so that Mineplex could be a clean and happy environment.

I also am very active on the Teamspeak server. The staff there is very nice and I talk to them frequently. The nicest mod I've met is currently Alexyogos and Louis0524 They have been given me lots of advice on my application and shared his experience applying for helper. I post threads every day, and it usually helps everyone. I don't micropost, bump constantly, or derp. Most of my posts are quality posts and I have posted 200+ threads. I have very good sportsmanship during the end of games. Whether I lose, my team loses, or I win, or my team wins, I always say "gg" meaning good game. As for my personal life, I go to a International Baccalaureate Middle School and I am very educated judging from my grammar. I play basketball and play as power forward. Playing basketball means I work well with a team. Just like what I will do with Mineplex if I ever get helper.

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Regards; Team

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