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4 player teams:

1: The tryhards

Paladin and priest combo is one of the stronger combos in the entire game. Having the ability to heal and prevent incoming damage at the same time is pretty god damn good of you ask me. Robot and Knight have some of the best DPS potential and survivability. while Robot and Paladin don't gain that much from Priest without the life buff, knight really needs it as he's going to be the one chasing after enemies if not sticking in a tiny group.

2: Why_does_this_work.exe


Lemme explain

Paladin ability: makes a bubble that destroys bullets around the player for 5 seconds. Ability cooldown: 15 seconds after initiating the ability
Three paladins using their abilities one after another: never take damage ever

3: No priest tryhards


Werewolf's ability to self heal when on low hp lets him stay fully healed forever, while paladin and robot rely on their defence rather than health, meaning you can survive without the priest

4: No paladin tryhards


Without a paladin, you can't rely on his ability that pretty much eats bullets for you, priest suffers the most from that. Therefore you must remember to have a melee assassin that will keep bouncing bullets away from your priest and robot that is most probably busy popping his ability while reviving a teammate. Rogue's job is to keep rolling, aggro enemies onto himself and hitting critical hits at the same time. Make sure you have good coordination for this one as everyone will be multitasking.

5: Free to play


While similar to the no paladin team, Priest has to do the robot's job (let's say that robot is a pay to play character for this one) which is resurrecting teammates. He needs to keep close to his assassin as priest has very little offensive or evasive options, relying on assasin's bullet bouncing.

6: Keepin em' busy


Wizard's ability to stun many opponents at once is pretty reliable when used in numbers. Faster recharge buff can keep your opponents nearly always stunned. Healing mid fight is nearly always an option as long as everyone is living.

7: Campers


Unlike paladin, assassin can bounce enemy bullets with ease. Most of his time he'll spend defending priest and engineer's turret or reaping damaged enemies. Make sure to plan out the course of action in each room. Pick tight corridors as little "bases" if possible and try to stick to the "base" whenever possible.

8: Crowd control


Paladin's ability to reap out enemies while taking no damage AND eating all the bullets coming from them is absolutely amazing when playing crowd control. Alchemist and Wizard let you keep enemies at bay and Priest is... Priest.

9: When healing goes wrong

Berserk, unlike Werewolf isn't a self healing mother******, which means that he'll love it when you, the Priest pop that healing buff.

3 player teams:

1: The tryhards/freetoplays


While paladin is a must in 4 player games, in 3 player games it's hard to have a paladin, a cleric, people to heal and kill power in the same team. Assassin is a combination of both reasonable damage, bullet bouncing and he can make an use out of team's cleric.

Assassin can also multitask thanks to his amazing speed, switching between reaping dangerous long range targets and defending the Priest.

2: Still broken

Same thing as "Why_does_this_work.exe" but with less kill power

3: No cleric


Why paladin and not assasin? Mostly because you have 2 dps's already, and all that's needed now is just some defence. Paladin is better at eating bullets than assassin is, but lacks the kill power that the team doesn't need, so he's the better pick here. Make sure to keep close to your paladin as he can let you recharge armor in peace. Knight is the best one to sacrifice here, as paladin can block enemy bullets and robot can use his electric ability while resurrecting the knight.

4. Campers


Same thing as the 4 players "campers" team

5. Crowd control


Same thing as 4 player crowd control but without the bullet eating part

2 player teams:

1. Tryhards:


This duo can let you walk into enemies and kill them without actually getting hurt. Since only one of you has health, no Priest is needed, Robot can just buy potions for themselves and there won't be anyone crying about it.

2: The perfect match


The fact that Priest gives infinite life is amazing by itself. It's even better when you realise you have a teammate with more than 10 health (and they are not self healing. I'm looking at you, werewolf)

3: Free to plays

- Priest
- Knight

Idk why but this works.

1 player teams:

- Werewolf

-Insert my "Werewolf is broken" vid here-

He is a DPS, a healer, a chaser and tank. Nice.
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