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"Okay, I’ll give you that. But only because one of my favorites is Poe, and he had to be crazy, even if he wasn’t 100% a poet." She could recite his work, but not as well as she could Shakespeare, which, even she would admit, made her kind of weird. She even discussed Billy S’s sexuality with Sophia, and came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter.


"Enough of ‘The Dead Musicians Society’.’ She made air quotes, then thought about that. She could bring up the rash of celebrity suicides over the last two years, or even go as far back as River Phoenix. She could mention the night she stopped taking Ambien to sleep, because Heath Ledger had overdosed on it the night before. Or how there was a rumor all over the internet that Paul Walker had died in a car accident, and though he tweeted to dispel it, the rumor came true the very next day. Celebrity was just weird, no matter the medium, though this didn’t stop her from wanting to see Brick Mansions, or the latest Fast and Furious. "Favorite song of all time?" She asked, putting all of that to rest.

Carolina laughed, shaking her head again. “Like gum on the bottom of your shoe? Gee, thanks.” She realized something sitting there…earning Damien’s smile was better than any A she could earn on an assignment. Probably because she wasn’t surprised to see an A, really. They came relatively easy. A smile from the self proclaimed reclusive loner was harder to earn, but warmed her heart when she did.

"Meaningful? Hardly. And completely wrong genres. Leave the horror to Stephen King, and the detective dramas to Michael Crichton." Getting up for a moment, she went to her book shelf and pulled out ‘Lightning’ by Dean Koontz, laying the paperback on the table between them, before sitting back down again. "That’s who I want to emulate. I call it ‘probable fiction’. King can write about killer clowns, possessed cars, and haunted hotels all her wants, but Koontz will always leave you wondering if what you just read could happen to you, or someone you know, or even the world."
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